Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Office Farewell

A lot of people don't understand my love for The Office, and that's okay. Yes, I know it's a television show and that the characters are not real. Nevertheless, they are my friends.

I started watching The Office at the beginning of season 2 and never stopped. I've seen the first five seasons at least six or seven times by now. When I started watching, Michael was just painful. Pam was still engaged to Roy. Jim hid out at his desk with no goals. Now they all have families and goals that I never could have imagined.

I know it's scripted that way, but the mockumentary style makes you feel like you're in the moment. There has never been a fourth wall to separate us. Jim looked into the camera and told us about his feelings for Pam before anyone else knew. Michael told us his deepest secrets. We knew about Dwight and Angela's relationship before anyone else. It felt like the audience was part of the family, because we were.

I watched with baited breath as Jim finally confessed his feelings to Pam at the end of season two, only for her to turn him down. Now they have two children.

I watched their lives unfold just as mine did. I took them to high school and then undergrad and then to graduate school. There was one particular time in my life that I didn't want to share with other people. I felt so alone and unsure about everything. I spent most of that time in my room with the door closed. I figure everyone thought I was sleeping, but I never slept. I watched The Office over and over. (Thank God for Netflix) Sometimes, you just need to forget about what's going on in reality and just laugh. The Office gave that to me. How many times can one person watch "Stress Relief"? I might hold the record. It's impossible to think about your own problems with all that nonsense happening. Since that time, I use The Office to get over all of my bad days.

If The Office has taught me anything, it's patience. You think Jim and Pam took forever? I've been a Dwangela fan since that barbecue in season two, and it's taken them up until last week to finally make it work. These people are in their 30s and 40s, and some of them are still unsure about what they're doing. Even Dwight Schrute gets everything in the end, including his dream job.

The Office proves that some families aren't tied together by blood. They all have this strong connection to one another, just because of where they work. Michael considered all of them to be family. I think the series even ends on a wedding. It's more than just a workplace comedy. It's a coming of age story and a family drama, too.

It's just everything. Not only to me. To a lot of people.

The Office taught me how to wait, how to love, how to follow my dreams, how to prank people, and how to spot budding romances with hardly any clues.

This show has meant a lot to me over the years, and I can't wait to see how it ends. I'm thankful for the incredible time I've had along the way. What a long, strange trip it's been.

The Office Rewatch - Season 8

Let me go ahead and get my rant out of the way: Andy should never ever ever ever ever have been named Regional Manager. He's no Michael Scott, and the writers had pretty much destroyed the character by that point. Dwight has always been the choice for that job.

This season was terrible for the most part. There were a few high points, but it was obvious they were trying to figure out what to do without Steve. I like James Spader in theory, but Robert California was terrible.

Angela and Pam have babies, which is cool. Who is Angela's baby daddy? Only time will tell.

The best moment of the season is when David Wallace buys the company back. Maybe this time of insanity is over.

Episodes to Watch:

"The List"

"The Incentive"

"Christmas Wishes"


"Jury Duty"

"Angry Andy"

"Free Family Portrait Studio"

The Office Rewatch - Season 7

Michael's last season. I could go into more detail, but there's no need. Still feeling the void two years later, so, yeah.

Because it was his last season, they brought a lot of people back. Michael gets a cold sore and thinks he should contact all the women he slept with over the years. This gets us Jan, Helene, Carol, Donna, and Holly. His conversation with Holly leads to Michael confronting his feelings about their relationship that had been cut short. "Classy Christmas" brought Holly back to Scranton, even though she was still dating AJ. How did I become so invested in Michael's love life?

She eventually gets her life together and realizes that Michael is the guy for her. "Garage Sale" is just the best. It's the ultimate ending for Michael. He has (we have) waited so long for this to happen, and it finally did. He finally found the woman of his dreams and can finally start the family he's wanted since he was a child on Fundle Bundle. So I finally understand, Steve. I never understand how you could leave, but I guess there was nothing left to say. I would love a cameo appearance in the final episode, though. (Tears everywhere)

"Threat Level Midnight" brought back a lot of people from the past to say goodbye, in a way. I'm so glad they brought the screenplay back from season 2. It was hilarious then, and it's even more hilarious when it's acted out.

"Michael's Last Dundies" = just tears everywhere.

"Goodbye Michael" is everything. Michael says goodbye to everyone in his own way and it's perfect. His goodbyes to Jim and Pam are two of my top moments of the whole show. Jim says what we're all thinking and Pam chases him down to say goodbye at the airport. It's the best ending for him. (More tears all over the place)

I feel bad for Will Ferrell's role this season, because it was a no win situation. No amount of guest stars could ever make up for losing Michael Scott. He was everything. I'm a Will Ferrell fan, but DeAngelo was terrible. I feel bad the writers were put in the predicament to try and fix the void. They tried, I think, but it was awful. Do yourself a favor and watch "Goodbye Michael" and then skip to season 9.

Also, how hot was Mindy Kaling this season? (She's basically my idol.)

Episodes to watch:


"Sex Ed"

"Classy Christmas"


"The Search"

"Threat Level Midnight"

"Garage Sale"

"Michael's Last Dundies"

"Goodbye Michael"

**"Counseling" is pretty hilarious.

The Office Rewatch - Season 6

Time to jump the shark.

I know a lot of people disagree on where the problems started, but this is it. 

There are some really funny episodes this season, but less than in the previous seasons. "Niagara" is certainly the high point for me. Jim and Pam get married and the Dunder Mifflin crew acts just as you would expect them to. There are certainly tears, or you're a heartless person. It took them six years, but they finally got to this place. 

"The Delivery" cannot be ignored. CeCe Halpert finally comes into our lives, and almost does so in the breakroom. Jim, Pam, and Michael (of course) go through all the emotions that I imagine most new parents go through. Michael walks into the delivery room, so I suppose he and Pam are even. It's so great that we got to watch Jim and Pam go through all the stages of their lives. More tears. 

Dunder Mifflin goes under and gets purchased by Sabre. Every episode about Sabre is pretty boring, honestly. There are some funny moments, but it just feels so out of place and awkward. I know the writers wanted to shake things up, but it ended up alienating the audience instead. 

I can barely watch "Scott's Tots" because it's so amazingly repulsive. This episode reminded me of season 1 Michael, and it's hard to believe he's the same person. Those poor kids! It was just so awkward that I wanted to fast forward through the whole thing. That feeling is what The Office does best. 

Episodes to watch:



"The Lover"

"Double Date"


"Scott's Tots"


"The Delivery"

"The Whistleblower" - not that great of a finale, but you need the final two minutes. 

**"Happy Hour" - because Michael is so crazy. 

The Office Rewatch - Season 5

Things get weird this season, especially for Michael. He tries to help Jan with her baby situation. He falls for Holly and she gets transferred to Nashua. Toby returns. Michael goes on a lecture tour. He gets a new boss and quits Dunder Mifflin to start his own paper company. Dunder Mifflin buys him out, so he returns to his old job. He sees Holly again at the company picnic and doesn't tell her how he feels. This is a lot for one person in one year. One job change would be a lot. It's not unbelievable, really, but it does put a lot of pressure on him.

Pam finally goes to art school, with Jim's full support (Jim > Roy). Jim proposes in the most perfect way. It's so realistic and romantic without being overkill. Pam fails a class and ends up leaving art school to be with Jim. (Now I see the foreshadowing.) They go through the normal growing pains of any relationship and end up with BIG news in the season finale (tears).

Dwight/Angela/Andy finally blows up. Angela might be a rule follower, but she has no trouble stringing these two idiots along (Andy being the biggest idiot). Angela and Dwight love each other. I feel sorry for Andy, especially since he had no idea. Sprinkles just ruined everything. "The Duel" makes all of the drama and misery worth it. Who else would actually duel over another human being? It feels so organic coming from Dwight and Andy. Maybe it's a little silly, but they're a little silly. They're fighting over Angela, for crying out loud.

This whole season is a little silly. Most of the personal drama had been taken care of, so the characters could act a fool at will. "Stress Relief" is one of my favorite episodes ever, because it's so ridiculously hilarious. The comedy this season is just spot on, if you like this kind of comedy. It's such a specific little area in the whole comedy sphere. You either think it's funny, or you don't. This season really dives in and commits to this specific brand of comedy. Some people don't like seeing a man being chased by a Prius or a cat being tossed through ceiling tiles. Some people can't get enough (me, obviously).

Episodes to watch:

"Weight Loss"

"Baby Shower"

"Employee Transfer"

"Frame Toby"

"The Duel"

"Stress Relief"

"Lecture Circuit" (both parts)

"New Boss"

"Dream Team"


"Company Picnic"

(There were 28 episodes this season. Watch them all.)

The Office Rewatch - Season 4

Another great season! "Fun Run" throws all the crazy right in your face, two minutes into the season. All of this nonsense is going on, but all anyone wants to know about is Jim and Pam! It's truly maddening. I love that Kevin joins forces with the audience to analyze Jim and Pam's every move to figure out what's going on with them. I won't even get into Meredith or Dwight and Angela. It's just so crazy, yet believable.

Once Jim and Pam are together, what comes next? We get the most wonderful love triangle-- Dwight, Angela, and Andy. I have been a Dwangela fan from the beginning, but Andy really woos her. Dwight really screwed up. What do you do? Dwight's heartbreak is truly my heartbreak. How did that happen?

If you thought Michael and Jan were as crazy as they could possibly get, you were so wrong. "The Deposition" and "Dinner Party" show some of the craziest things I've ever seen. We're talking straight from the psych ward crazy. They have such great chemistry and play off of each other so naturally. Almost everything they do makes you cringe. I saw a list that ranked the best episodes of The Office, and "Dinner Party" was number one. So pay attention.

"Goodbye Toby" is a gamechanger for everyone. Toby decides to leave Dunder Mifflin, so Michael throws a huge party to celebrate. Pam signs up for art school and Jim wants to propose, but then Andy swoops in and proposes to Angela, who says yes and then hooks up with Dwight. Toby's replacement, Holly, turns out to be the female Michael. Jan gets pregnant by a sperm donor. Ryan gets arrested. This all happens in one hour. It leads you to believe that season 5 is going to be crazy dramatic.

Episodes to watch:

"Fun Run"


"The Deposition"

"Dinner Party"

"Night Out"

"Did I Stutter"

"Goodbye Toby"

**"Branch Wars"-- Jim comes face to face with Karen and Joss Whedon directs. Watch it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Office Rewatch - Season 3

This season is so good. So good. Choosing a favorite season would be difficult for me, but this one is up there.

They left us wondering WHAT THE FREAK happened with Jim and Pam at "Casino Night" and we finally get our answer. More waiting! Pam did break up with Roy, even if she waited too long. I hate that Jim went to Stamford, but it worked out to be hilarious. 

This season had a lot of personal twists and turns. A lot. I'm not going to spend multiple paragraphs going into details, but we got to see more from the more minor parts of the ensemble. 

Since Pam is single for the majority of this season, we get to see her grow into her own person and go throw all the things newly single people go through. She started being more forthcoming with her opinions and went after what she wanted. Plus it was her turn to pine after Jim instead of the other way around.

Maybe this wrong, but I love Karen. She was so normal! I'm sorry she got in the way for Jim and Pam, but Karen brought out another side to Jim. Karen was more adventurous and driven, and I think she brought that out in Jim. He got a promotion and even went for a job at corporate. He could barely muster up the courage to apply for a transfer when he was in Scranton. If you ask me, she dug her own grave with all that serious talk in the finale. 

We also gained Ed Helms. This is the Andy I like. "Traveling Salesmen" and "The Return" show how funny the man can be when he's given good material.

More Jan! She's fabulous. Crazy, but fabulous. Her crazy helps balance out Michael. He seems like the normal person in that relationship, somehow?

Some of the most hilarious moments from the whole show are in this season. Gaydar, Schrute bucks, Call of Duty, Prison Mike, Roy's freakout, etc.

I'm so happy Pam finally says her peace on "Beach Games". It had been building all season, especially after 
"The Merger" and she couldn't take it anymore. It was so honest and direct. It felt like real life. 

"The Job" is one of my favorite episodes for obvious reasons. The most obvious being that I waited for three seasons for that ending. Dwight gets RM and gets to interview Andy (hilarious), Michael and Jan hit their craziest level yet, and Jim and Pam get further apart in so many ways before coming back together. Pam's tears are my tears. And the callback to "Office Olympics" completely melted my heart. 

I wouldn't advise missing any of the episodes this season because there's just so much goodness in all plot areas. Totally worth watching.  

In case you need a list, here are some can't miss episodes: 

"Gay Witch Hunt"

"The Coup"

"Branch Closing"

"The Merger"

"A Benihana Christmas"

"The Return"

"Beach Games"

"The Job"

**"Product Recall" doesn't really further the plot, but you absolutely have to watch it even if you don't watch any of the other episodes on the list. 

The Office Rewatch - Season 2

Season 2 is where I really fell in love with The Office. Episode 2 ("Sexual Harassment") is the first episode I ever saw. I was so intrigued that I stuck with it and eventually went back and watched the episodes I had missed. This season pushes Michael Scott past that annoying and inappropriate boss we met in season 1. Though "The Dundies" and "Sexual Harassment" concentrate on these lesser parts of his personality, episodes like "Office Olympics" and "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" remind the audience that he's really a lovable character. He wants to be married and have a family, but he's never had the chance. 

The same happens with Dwight. He's still the big weirdo from season 1, but we get to learn more about his devotion to Michael. "Dwight's Speech" proves he really has a talent for selling paper, if that exists. His relationship with Jim develops both of their characters without forcing it on the audience. They don't sit around and talk about their hopes and dreams, but their hostility towards each other has the same effect somehow.

The season also pushes the relationship between Jim and Pam. For 22 episodes they try to fight their chemistry and feelings for each other until they can't any longer. I sort of hate Pam during this season because she's having her cake and eating it too. Did she really expect to keep Roy and Jim? You can't have both. I understand her hesitation completely, though, so it's hard to be mad at her. I like that other employees start calling her out about it. Her relationship with Jim is so natural and obvious, so it's only right that other people would notice. Episodes like "Office Olympics", "Email Surveillance", and "The Secret" keep pushing them further and further past the line. Every episode makes you think it's finally going to happen and Jim is finally going to say something. IT NEVER HAPPENS. Until "Casino Night". 

If you want to convince someone how great the show is, show them "Casino Night". It gives insight into all of the characters and highlights the most important storylines of the show. So maybe some people don't love John Krasinski (why are you reading this?). This episode is some of his best work. Realistically, the writers deserve most of the credit for Jim's speech at the end. How do you say no to that, Pam? Or do you? CLIFFHANGER ALERT. Enjoy thinking about that all summer. Thank God for Netflix. 

This season is The Office at its best, so it's really hard to choose the best episode. If you're looking to catch up on the plot quickly, though, these are the best episodes to hit the highlights: 

"The Dundies"

"Sexual Harassment"- too hilarious to skip 

"The Client"

"Christmas Party" - they have the best Christmas episodes. 

"Booze Cruise"

"The Secret"

"Conflict Resolution"- too hilarious to skip 

"Casino Night"

**"The Injury" is also one of my favorite episodes, even if it doesn't further the plot.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Office Rewatch - Season 1

In honor of Dunder-Mifflin closing its doors on May 16, I decided to rewatch the whole series. Most people know I've seen the whole series about four or so times, so it's not like I have forgotten anything. I really just want to get good and depressed before the finale, it seems.

Season one is super short-- six episodes-- so it didn't take very long to finish. The beauty of season one is that The Office (as a whole) didn't really know what it was yet. All the actors were still settling into their characters, and the writers were still trying to figure out how to make this specific type of humor connect with an audience.

The treasure that is Michael Scott really hits you in the face in these episodes. The writers force this character on you so that you feel like you're going through a cheese grater. It's just this nails-on-a-chalkboard sensation, which I'm sure drove away some viewers. He's just so offensive and brash and ignorant. This intensity really allows you to connect with the rest of the characters, though, because they agree. Steve Carell left no crevices for human emotion and understanding to sneak in. One amazing example that stands out to me out of eight years is Michael fake-firing Pam in the pilot. It's so awkward and makes me want to look away every time I watch it. "Diversity Day" tackles some outrageous ignorance and intense rudeness in the second episode of the show. No time to waste! There's no room for "Well, he did that because he's lonely" excuses here. We only got six episodes to build a character, so the man's just an idiot.

That hair!

The Jim faces originate here! I always wonder if he showed off his faces to the producers in his audition, because they're pure gold. Jim is this everyman character that everyone can understand. His longing for Pam is palpable from the very first episode. They have this relationship that I think everyone can understand and appreciate. They're together everyday in the midst of all these wackos, so they're bound to form a bond. When Roy comes in, my heart sinks every time. Do you choose what's safe or what's new? I know exactly what she should do in episode two, but (spoiler alert) they make me work for it.

Dwight Schrute is one of the best characters in television. Biased? Maybe. Rainn Wilson is brilliant. He provides the perfect foil for Jim and gives Michael the supportive audience he needs to keep acting like the fool he is. The first sounds we even hear from Dwight are him singing "Little Drummer Boy" at his desk. He's just so darn quirky! And hilarious! "The Alliance" gives such a good look at what we're getting ourselves into with this character. And the jello in the pilot! It's just all so good.

Dunder Mifflin Paper Company gives a great background for the characters, because I don't know one person who wants to hear more about their actual jobs. Shows like 24 and Alias could entertain with or without interesting characters, but The Office has to work at it. The documentary style makes it interesting, as well, because the characters get to narrate their own stories. We get to hear Michael's deluded self-perception straight from his mouth. The documentary crew digs deeper into the real stories we want to hear about. Not paper.

Starting season two now.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Mellie Grant: The Ultimate Betch*

If you watch Scandal (one of the best guilty pleasure shows on TV), you know Mellie. 

As the wife in a Shonda Rhimes universe, Mellie gets a lot of haters. I started out as one of those haters; however, the more I watch Scandal, the more I realize the truth. Mellie is awesome. Sure, she has some flaws, but who doesn't? The flaws that most people fault her for are just ridiculous. Let's take a look at all the reasons America hates Mellie.

1. Mellie stands in the way of Olivia and Fitz. Well, duh. She's his wife. That's how wives work.

2. She loves power. Again, who doesn't? Mellie knew how to get Fitz into the White House and did what she had to do. She gained almost as much as he did from the election, but she had to deal with a lot of BS on the way. She set a goal and achieved it. Snaps for Mellie. I can't wait for her own campaigns. She'll wipe the floor with any man that tries to beat her.

3. She's ruthless. She put herself through unlimited nonsense just to be the First Lady of a successful POTUS. She sat by while he fooled around with Liv EVERYWHERE, just so he would be a happier candidate. In case everyone has forgotten, she also broke the law to ensure he got elected. She put everything on the line for Fitz to sit in the Oval Office and handle foreign policy while she worried about obesity or tea parties or whatever else First Ladies do. She does all the dirty work while JFK reincarnated drowns himself in alcohol over Olivia Pope. "I'm sitting all alone at the Resolute Desk with no mistress. Woe is me." Someone has to take charge, so it might as well be her. Our first female POTUS needs to be ruthless if she's going to survive.

4. She keeps it classy. No one rocks pearls like Mellie Grant. She will do anything and put up with anything, as long as everyone still looks the part. "Sure, Fitz, jump in that kiddie pool of scotch. Get good and wasted. I'll be waiting in the wings with a suit and an Altoid." Mellie keeps the public happy, and again, because someone has to. You can't just screw around in the White House telecom room, Fitz. America doesn't like that.

Shower drinking-- so presidential.

5. She's a woman of her word. Why would people fault her for that? She made it very clear that she was going to tell everyone about Fitz's philandering if he didn't get his act together. Why was everyone so surprised when she did? I just don't understand the disconnect. She told Cyrus repeatedly, who told the President repeatedly. I applaud her for that. She gave him actual YEARS to get it together. She's the victim here. Not Can't-Keep-It-In-Your-Pants Fitzgerald. When Mellie warns you, you should listen.

Fitz may look good in a suit and say all the right things when it comes to seduction, but the man is as incompetent as they come. Do you really want your President having sex in the Oval Office? No. Thank goodness Mellie is around, because there's no telling what he would do if he didn't have restraints. Everyone seems to hate her for standing up for herself and her marriage. If you want someone to blame, look at Fitz. The man has to be told where he should and should not put his private parts, and he still doesn't listen. Thank God for Mellie. Otherwise, he'd be on a watchlist somewhere and that can't be good for America.

*Definitions of betch, if needed.