Thursday, October 25, 2012

TWD fans- spoilers ahead.

The Walking Dead is back in full swing, and so are it's fans. Every Sunday my social networking is bombarded with opinions related to TWD, and I don't really mind it. Lord knows I've done my share of TWD-related word vomit, especially mid-episode when Rick knifes a guy in the skull. TWD fans are passionate people. They know who they like, who they don't, and are experts on what to do in every situation presented. I have found that these people can be split into four** categories:

TEAM RICK. The good guys. People in this category know the world will be righted once again, if only everyone would shut up and listen to Rick. Though the world is in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, right and wrong still exists, and you must do the right thing. They want you to listen to your conscience and to be sympathetic towards your fellow man in this time of crisis. When the time comes, though, you may have to make some tough choices. You may not like what you have to do, but it's for the greater good. Sometimes you have to kill your best friend. Sometimes your wife cheats on you and gets pregnant by God-only-knows-who. You step up and do what needs to be done, because the world needs you.

TEAM SHANE. The rebels. People in this category are obviously living in the past since their leader died twice last season. Nevertheless, this group see flaws in Rick's good-over-evil mentality. The whole world has gone to hell and come back to eat them. What good is left? They see no potential for a happy ending, but want comfort until their end comes to find them. Everyone in the world will become a walker at some point, so why trust anyone? They see Rick as the popular guy in high school. He's hot and has everything you want. So, naturally, you idolize him while nursing your underlying jealously and diabolical plan to overthrow him. This group makes cutthroat decisions. When in doubt, kill. Take matters into your own hands instead of waiting for the white knight to come in and save you. Look out for yourself, your family, and no one else.

TEAM OUTCASTS. The hipsters. This group loves Daryl, Glenn, Carol, Andrea, and everyone else that hangs out in the background waiting to do whatever Rick tells them. They don't want to be predictable by liking anyone with a main story line and potential for an Emmy nomination, so they picked someone at random to cheer for. They're cooler than you though. Darryl and his bow and arrow make the young girls swoon, if you're Maid Marion. Oh you're Merle's biggest fan? Well he was only in three episodes of the first season and called T-Dawg the N word, but I can totally see why you love him. T-Dawg's your favorite? You're right; his one word per episode completes the series. Besides, without the outcasts, who would Rick order around? This group thinks all the characters would have been dead long ago if not for that one time their outcast yelled "Walkers!" and got the whole group to safety. Survival in a zombie apocalypse requires a group effort, and someone has to do the grunt work.

TEAM YEAH ME TOO. The uninformed. This group watches an episode from time to time and thinks they should share their opinions as well. These opinions usually take the form of "That Carl is so cute" or "Poor Lori" or "Oh my God that's so disgusting". They treat the show like a movie that ends when one episode goes off and can be followed up but doesn't have to be. They missed the barn full of walkers and Shane killing Otis and other events that make them post generally irrelevant opinions. They ask how Lori's hair is so clean and how they get more ammunition and why they don't just shoot the walkers in the head. None of these things matter, but they have the right to ask! They won't pick any other side because it's a fictional television show, so it doesn't matter if they sound like idiots.

Note: I don't say all this just to point fingers at my fellow TWD fans. I identify with one of these groups and have floated through the permeable lines between the groups on a few occasions. I just dedicated thirty minutes to an entirely fictional world that I have no contact with for three more days. I welcome your judgement with open arms.

**Anyone who likes Lori or Carl has already been deleted from my social networking because I doubt we see eye to eye on anything. Having sex with your husband's best friend on the ground in the woods and running rampant through pastures screams barner, so I will have to agree to disagree for life.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ode to Prince Maggot

Ok I was really going to write an ode but I'm too tired. For real though, someone kicked Prince Maggot across the breezeway and away from my door so I guess I lost my first UNCW friend. You will be missed.

In other news, what has two thumbs and stayed out past 11pm?!!? THIS GIRL.

My friend Brittany and I went to Midnight Madness tonight which ended up being pretty fun. She works for housing (so random) so I helped her paint and glitter her residents. I don't know if I've ever seen that much glitter. We went on some trek across campus in a huge line which would have been good for me to learn directions but it was dark. They gave us Dunkin Donuts so I'm not complaining. 

The actual pep rally was... interesting. At one point the basketball teams got up with the cheerleaders and dancers and had some kind of organized dance. Everything was so chill and everyone was so involved which made it was a cool experience. Three of the players were from Alabama! If the girl from Hoover didn't look so scary I would befriend her so we could split gas. 

Last night/this morning GLS and PAR had the Hayes brothers come and talk to us. They've written screenplays like The Reaping and House of Wax and they just made The Conjuring here last year. We each got individual time with them to pitch ideas and get advice and it was really awesome. I got a lot of advice about my own screenwriting and how to develop it so I'm feeling inspired to keep working. I also spent more time with my classmates, which is good. I usually spend my time doing homework and watching my DVR. Real life. 

One thing I'm going to work on is actually learning the campus. I still get lost every single day I try to go somewhere outside my classroom area and wander until I get to where I need to be. Being observant is not really my strong suit, but I'm working on it! I also just keep parking in random places and I have no idea what the parking rules are. So I need to get that in order, as well. 

I'm so excited to watch Bama-Mizzou tomorrow! Ole Miss and the barners should be pathetically entertaining as usual. Maybe LSU and SCar will just tie at 0. 

This post is so unorganized and kind of an embarrassment to my degree but I don't care at the moment. 

RTOTA from Wilmtown. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hey you guys!

A lot has changed since my last posts! I made an A in my Spanish class and graduated from UA in August. I don't live in the igloo with my parents anymore, which is a Godsend. I started school at the University of North Carolina Wilmington in August and have been living 8 hours away from my family and friends. The GLS program has been interesting so far. I've met a lot of intriguing people from a lot of different backgrounds. Grad school has turned out to be way more intense than undergrad, which I expected, but that doesn't make it fun.

Wilmington is a really cool town. I feel like there's something here for everyone; you just have to find your niche. I've found a lot of cool book stores and thrift shops to explore. I spend the majority of my time in my apartment or on campus, though. It's been really hard to be away from my friends and family and I get homesick a lot. I'm very thankful for this opportunity, though, and I'm learning a lot about myself. I still keep in touch with the majority of my friends from home. I appreciate the ones who have reached out to check on me and my new life. It's good to talk things through with the people who know me best. Sometimes it feels like I'm in a different country, not just a different time zone, so I enjoy hearing stories from home and telling stories from here. 

Football season is killing me so far. I know it's not everything, but it's something in Bama that it's not here. The guys here watch it, but I don't understand what the girls do on Saturdays. I never fully appreciated SEC culture for what it is until I didn't have it anymore. Those of you who still have access should cherish it.  

My life is still as fictitious as ever. Some girls kiss frogs to get princes, some girls have said princes commit suicide on their doorstep. Meet Prince Maggot. I named him that because he is now filled with maggots. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a few days, but I had to eventually face the facts that he is dead. That weird spot beside him is where he actually died. I attempted to move him and found the maggots so that's where he is for now. I still haven't figured out how to move him without contaminating my stuff. 

He's as dead as any dead animal that has ever died.

Also, it rains every day here. So if anyone wants to come visit me, be prepared. Shout out to Candi who has already done so!

And all my shows are back. So if anyone wants to chat about TV, you know I'm down. I'm sure the next few posts will be about TV so I will stop now before this post gets any longer.