Monday, August 22, 2011


   Hi there. Chances are if you're reading this you already know me, so I will apologize in advance for the lack of new information. I don't know where to start, but Julie Andrews suggests the beginning, so let's try that. 

   I'm 22 and a fifth-year senior at the University of Alabama majoring in English with a minor in Communication Studies. What am I going to do with that? I guess you'll find out later as this blog unfolds. I grew up in Anniston, AL, home of the country's largest chair and not much else. I've included a map. 


   I graduated from White Plains High School with like 50 other people in 2007. So yeah, I fit the small town Alabama stereotype. 
My family life is a little different, so try to keep up as I explain. 

   My parents got divorced when I was 2 yrs old and both were remarried by the time I was 3. I thank God for that both of those actions everyday. My mom is overbearing and loves long, elaborate, and emotional talks paired with lots of hugging. She always means well. My dad is the opposite and is completely content to sit in silence for hours. My stepmom never sleeps and is always ready to help anyone who needs it. I don't know if they know what blogging is, so chances are they will never read this. 

   My siblings would be next. Josh is my stepbrother (stepdad's son) by technicality and is a month older than me. If you look up the word "goofy" in the dictionary his face would be there. He is dedicated to making people laugh and will do whatever it takes. He's also opinionated about EVERYTHING. He's also an MP who served our country overseas and begins college in the fall. 

   My stepsister (stepmom's daughter) is three months younger than me, so the three of us graduated together. Precious, I know. Kelsey is a princess, bottom line. I don't say this negatively! She isn't like a high and mighty princess, but more like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. Everyone loves her, she always looks like she came out of a catalog, and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. We share everything-- secrets, clothes, a bed (seriously). She just graduated from JSU and will someday take Katie Couric's job (and be better at it). 

   Jordan is my little bitty baby brother (we share both parents, you keeping up?) He's two years younger than me and he's like my best friend. We should have just been twins so people can be prepared for our weirdly close relationship and telepathic communication. We share the same opinions about most things and fight to the death about the things we don't agree on. You can catch him on the PGA in a few years. 

   You should probably know that there is no difference to any of us between step and "real". My brothers and sister are just like normal people's brothers and sister and my parents are my parents. I always appreciate when people keep their ignorant comments to themselves. Those of you with blended families probably feel my pain. Also, all these hotties are single so hit me up if you want their digits. 

   I guess I've said all this to somehow explain me, but you may want some more details. I work at Bryant Residence Hall at the front desk with the best staff in the world. They're like my second family. I am now an Alpha Phi alum, which feels weird to say. I love love love my sisters and everything that is Alpha Phi, and I'm excited to remain involved as an alum.  

This picture is from Bid Day. I was a J-Board for the next recruitment and almost cried when we ran back to the house after being separated from everyone for months. I don't show emotion, so choking up was a big deal, people. 

I read a lot and I don't think that's a waste of time. I also like to write and would love to write something that means anything to someone other than me. I love my friends and would literally do anything for them. I'm so thankful to be saved. I may not make all the right decisions, but I'll stand by the ones I make.  

Minor things you should know for reading other entries in this blog:
1. I'm very sarcastic so don't take me seriously.
2. Television is the love of my life, which is probably the only ridiculous thing I will say that sounds sarcastic but isn't. Sorry in advance for all the references. 
3. I tend to ramble, which should be clear by the length of this blog. 
4. I have no idea what this blog will be about.
5. I have no idea where I'm going in life or how I will get there, but I guess all you guys can go along on that journey with me.

Thanks for reading. 

Shoutout to Mary Beth who may be the only person who reads this. Love you!

I'm Lauren, by the way. 

1 comment:

Jordan said...

1st follower of this soon to be famous blog.