Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kelsey's first game!

     My day today was interesting to say the least!! It started out rough. I worked in the morning, went home for a super fast lunch, then drove back to campus for class. ROOKIE MISTAKE!! Because there was so much traffic, I had to park a good 30 minutes from my class and I only had 15 minutes to get there. God was with me for sure, because I happened to catch a bus that sped the process along, but I was still late to my first day of creative writing class. I was so embarrassed because there were only like 10 people in a really small room and I disrupted everyone trying to get to a seat.
     When I got to my next class, there was a dead bat in the floor. We went and told one of the administrators and he came to our rescue-- or so we thought. Instead he brought his camera and took multiple pictures of the creature from all different angles. Now I've seen a scary movie or two, so I was completely positive the thing was going to wake up and attack us, or mainly attack me because that's my luck. I was imagining the episode of The Office when Dwight traps one in a garbage bag on top of Meredith's head. I was fully ready to run out the door. Then, the man decides he has enough pictures and solves our problem by turning a trash can upside down on top of the bat. I was very distracted during the rest of class wondering if the bat was truly dead or a carrier of some weird airborne disease. Rent the movie Outbreak, anything can happen.
     Surprisingly, I made it back to my car without having a heat stroke or leg cramp or some other health issue caused by extreme heat on a person who is very out of shape. I had to work again from 7pm-10pm tonight, and I was fully dreading it. That's when my day turned around!! Two amazing things happened! The first one is thanks to Candice Rucker! She is an RA/DA at Bryant that helps me stay sane when things get crazy around here. She brought nail polish and we rounded up some newspaper. We were able to transfer the newspaper print onto our fingernails! How awesome! (Check it out here: Newspaper Fingernails) They didn't turn out bad for our first try. Along with Mary Beth, we turned my shift into a party and got to know some of our new residents better, which was really fun.
     The next awesome thing that happened was hearing my beautiful sister's voice on the radio online!! Kelsey is a sideline reporter for Thunder 92.7 and tonight she made her debut covering our alma mater's football game against Glencoe. I'm so proud of her for earning that position and doing so well her first night! I told y'all she is a princess! Let me remind you:

   Ok that last one was kind of a joke, but the idea of her reporting football was completely hilarious when she first got the job. She has been studying up for weeks, and I for one am not sure how you go about studying for football. I worried about her all day long today! I have complete confidence in her, but I can't imagine knowing that loads of people are going to be listening intently to what you say without being able to see you. I would be scared to death to try to get a point across to complete strangers. Plus you never know what can happen with technology! Not to mention, all this was happening on the field in front of our hometown cheering section. She's brave. There were a lot of factors that could have gone wrong but they didn't. She did wonderfully! Everyone at the desk thought so, not just me! Demitrius said she sounded professional. 
     When that twang came through my computer my emotions just went crazy! I haven't seen her in a few weeks so I miss her and I am just so proud of everything she is doing! The country accent just topped it off. (Candice said, "Her White Plains is showing.") Lord knows WP football wouldn't be complete without an awful outcome and a country accent announcing it! Just hearing her all grown up with a real job on the radio was quite the experience. It really did make my day! She has another game to report tomorrow night, so if you are near a radio in Calhoun County or a computer anywhere, tune in to Thunder 92.7 to hear the Princess of Pigskin! <-- wow. On that note, it's time for bed. I'm clearly delusional. Good night!

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