Monday, August 29, 2011

MTV-- Home of the Crazies.

     Who wants to watch an awards pre-show? Stars dressed in sometimes strange clothing refusing to answer questions about their personal life leads the way to the ceremony itself filled with award upsets and unplanned controversies. The ceremony lasts for hours when the awards could be given out in ten minutes. There are so many speeches, surprise appearances, musical numbers, and jokes that people have to stay up until midnight to see all the big awards given out. Sometimes there's even an aftershow discussing the drama and dresses for another hour after the show has ended. Who does this appeal to? Who really cares unless you're getting the awards?

     Hi, my name is Lauren and I'm an awards show junkie. I love all of it. I love the strange presenter pairings and the awkward teleprompter speeches and the offensive jokes. I also love every type of award show. VMA's, Grammy's, Oscars, Emmy's, Golden Globes, etc. Even the Daytime Emmy's (we'll get to soap operas later I'm sure). I will gladly sit on my couch for hours to watch celebrities rub elbows and collect trophies. Admittedly, this obsession doesn't just start on the day of awards. I'm the person who takes those quizzes you see on entertainment news websites to predict who will win which award. Every time I sit down on the couch for my six hour veg-out, I am fully prepared to scream at the television if my first choice doesn't win. I know who's nominated, who they're bringing, and what they're wearing usually by the time the pre-show starts. I should really be ashamed by this, but I'm not. I love love love the fashion! I ooh and ahh over every fashion choice and wish I could be so lucky to wear something that beautiful.
     I say all this to warn you of my stance before I give my opinions. Did yall see the VMA's last night?? MTV never disappoints. I have been tuning in to the VMA's since before the Britney-Madonna-Christina edition, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon.

1. BEYONCE & BABY!! (and Jay-Z as a precious husband and father-to-be)
2. Everything about Britney, her award, and the tribute to her videos.
3. Russell and Katy-- sooo cute.
4. Weezy baby! (The suspense was not needed, MTV, we fans have been sitting on ready for weeks)
5. Adele's performance!
6. Chris Brown's circus.
7. Taylor Lautner all grown up.
8. Kevin Hart
9. Gaga's Born This Way speech
10. Bruno Mars's salute to Amy Winehouse

1. Whatever Gaga was doing the whole show. Ridiculous.
2. Deena's dress.
3. Katy's cube
4. Adele's dress (I love her but she needs to wear something different for once!)
5. Those weird people that Zoe Saldana and Jared Leto introduced.
6. Jessie J's outfit and haircut were awful.
7. Bieber's snake (not a euphemism)
8. Nicki Minaj's outfit
9. No host
10. Bleeping Weezy

     The show itself was pretty good. I've seen better and worse. I wish there would've been a host. A host would've made everything flow better and not seem so up in the air. I'm not sure if all the drinking was a hit or a miss, honestly. Most of the stars were holding drinks and some carried them onstage to accept their awards. It probably helped everyone be more relaxed but it was far from classy. Mr. Gaga was downing liquor drinks all night which I'm sure aided her alter ego. Her acceptance speech for Best Female Video carried a meaningful message that she covered up with her cross-dressing nonsense. You don't have to be over the top all the time. Your words can do something alone. I couldn't even enjoy Brain May for watching her. I'm sure Freddie would have approved, though.
     Adele's performance was amazing. She's so classy and down to earth compared to other stars her age. I just wish she would have dressed differently for her performance at least. All I ever see her wearing are long, black, matronly dresses. Save that for the Grammy's! Weezy, on the other hand, let it all fly. I love him and The Carter IV, but MTV shouldn't have booked him if they weren't going to let him do his thing unedited. I did learn something about him-- he can apparently play a guitar as well as I can.

     I hope you all enjoyed the broadcast!


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