Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School starts tomorrow!

     It's the sentence that makes people of all ages cringe in unison. So instead of dwelling on the impending doom that comes with every new year of learning, I would like to concentrate on one of my favorite things.


     Let's be real. Cupcakes are the best. They're miniature snacks full of calories and sugar, covered in icing. Beat that, I dare you. Any bad day can take a turn for the better if you just add a cupcake. Baking is also a good stress reliever, if you ask me. All the steps and the methodology of working out a recipe can take your mind off anything that's bothering you and onto something delicious. We all love that feeling of making it to the finish line, and a task that leads to a cupcake is my kind of task. 

     I'm a supporter of boxed cake mix, trust me, but there's something about starting from scratch. Here are a few recipes I've picked up along the way for delicious cupcakes:

     I don't always have the time to spend hours in the kitchen. For those days, God sent me Gigi's Cupcakes. They are beyond amazing and completely affordable. The ease and price are two reasons I have this addiction. It's almost too easy to go by and pick out exactly what you want. Their website also has a menu so you can plan out which days you visit based on the selection. How sweet is that?? (No pun intended)

Here are some of my favorites:

Texas Milk Chocolate: 
Strawberry Shortcake:


Yes, they are as delicious as they look. 

     I think cupcakes are a good way to fix the world. People would be much happier if they just stopped and had a cupcake once in a while. Be spontaneous! Break the diet and indulge yourselves in something sugary and delicious! We all need some cheering up. 

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