Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Did you know that I love you? Or were you not aware?

I'm so sorry I've been neglecting my faithful readers again! I went straight to the one guy I knew that could make it up to you. I know it's not a real video, but that voice is enough. When he says "Were you not aware?" it reminds me of George saying "I am aware" about his baldness. So here's another nugget.

This past weekend I was reunited with most of my besties in Huntsville for Mary Beth's engagement party. The party was cool but going out and just being with my friends was so much fun. One of the funniest parts of the night was Kelsey introducing herself as Lauren. It was also hilarious when we thought we were going to one bar and then they tricked us into going in Sammy T's! We were in there for a good 45 minutes and I had no idea where we were. I kept thinking "OMG they have two boom boom rooms in Huntsville??" Then I legit argued with Lauren Mann when she told me it was Sammy T's. I was so confused. Church was really good on Sunday, too. On the way home Lara and I were exhausted and hungover and talking about Six Flags, so I missed a turn to keep us on the right road. We ended up in Birmingham and had to backtrack to Pell City. It was reminiscent of the drive back from Gainesville, but thank God it wasn't that long.

Spanish is really trying my patience this week. There is a new girl in our class that I want to strangle. I'm not the best at Spanish, obviously, but this girl is dumber than a bag of hammers. We have to slow everything down. We do a lot of the exercises in the book out loud in class and we go in a row, one person at a time, until we finish the exercise. We do this everyday, and she never knows when it's her turn. She never knows the answer, either. Today we were doing subjunctive tense and she gave an answer in present tense. We did present in 101, homie. This is 202. Get your life together. The book is in front of you. Also, she is going to be absent tomorrow, so Linda kept us late so we could go over tonight and tomorrow's classwork AND she moved last night's homework to tonight. The old bat wasn't even going to let us go to the bathroom. I almost went in the floor. No one would even know it because the living conditions are so poor.

In my global news segment, Candi has found a boo. He thinks she's British. She didn't correct him. This sums up the essence of boowatch. Reality is a fleeting ideal. Sometimes you've just got to change your nationality when a boo is on the line. It's a cut throat game, and not everyone is cut out for it. Candi is firing on all cylinders though. She's like the boowatch MVP of the month. This is obvious since Lauren and I spend our time running away from the losers in our hometowns. 

My favorite part of her new boo is that he's Turkish. Obvs Downton Abbey comes to mind. If he looks anything like Pamuk, then God bless Candi and her little English heart. 

My dad is making me research apartments now, so God bless my sanity as well. 



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