Tuesday, July 3, 2012

36 Spanish-free hours!

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but my life has been really stressful lately. I'll just leave it at that so no one has to hear the details. 

Something awesome happened today! We took our 201 final today and Linda said it could count twice to take the place of our lowest exam grade if we did well on it. I wasn't really counting on doing well because I am absolutely terrible with verb tenses and that was the majority of the exam. I did know I would get all the culture questions right because I'm baller at that for some reason. I can't tell you where my car keys are at the moment, but let me know if you need to know things about Mexican and Spanish culture. It was the hardest test I've taken in awhile and I ended up guessing on the majority of the test. I got up to turn my test in after Greg and he was asking her what she was going to do because she had put 10 extra questions on the test. That cray just gave us all 10 points. I'm apparently a good guesser and made a 98! It canceled out my 74 and boom I got a 97 in that crazy class AND I'm still alive. This is superb.

Before I got my test grade back though I was stressing about it so naturally I went home, made a drink, and got in the pool for an hour. It wasn't even sunny but who cares. Then I went inside and the Sex and the City finale was on E! so of course I laid in the floor in my bathing suit and watched it while I had another drink. Because I was slightly intoxicated I kept rewinding over and over to watch this scene. The dialogue is perfection. 

Big was my fave from day 1. He is hilarious, straight-forward, attractive, and an ass-- completely my type. I told all you Aiden lovers that she didn't belong with him. No one ever listens to me. 

I also teared up a little bit when Charlotte gets her baby. Alcohol does weird things.

Shout out to Candi for getting her LSAT score back! She did really well, so don't listen to her if she says otherwise! I'm so proud! 

Shout out to LM for sending in her housing contract today! She's so adult I can't deal. 

Also thanks to the friends that haven't been complete turds lately. I appreciate the effort. 

I'm off to study London! Adios. 

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