Saturday, February 9, 2013

Is ABC reading this?

The Bachelor stepped its game up on the reals this week with two episodes that didn't make me go right to Twitter for entertainment.

At first I was super pissed about the Tuesday episode because not only did the episode take over my Tuesday night which I reserve for other shows, but it also started an hour later. Watching the last rose ceremony was more like listening to the last rose ceremony because I couldn't keep my old eyes open. 

Let's start on Monday's episode. Sean and Lindsay's date must have been a borefest because we only got to hear her make the speech she had clearly been practicing for awhile. Who refers to their childhood as adolescence? Better yet, who uses the word twice in one sentence? No one that would be caught dead in a wedding dress on the Bachelor, I can tell you that. 

The group date looked like fun to me. I think competitions bring out everyone's natural personalities instead of the one they put on camera and in front of Sean. Lesley cemented her spot as my favorite when she said, "Weak people piss me off. Losing pisses me off." Story of my life, girl.

The craziest part of the whole episode was Tierra, as usual. I thought she was just doing it for attention, but I think she's legitimately crazy. She took one of the blue team's shirts and snuck on over to the group date she wasn't invited on. Outside of The Bachelor this would be considered insane, so I think we should unpack that. You can't just go showing up on your non-exclusive boyfriend's other dates. Like you can't do that. Why didn't he feel that way? Also, Sean gives Daniella a rose because she's acting like a baby instead of Desiree who drank goat's milk straight from the utter! I would NOT stand for that.

Then at the 2 on 1, the girl that was clearly going home before the date even started (just looked up her name-- Jackie) had to spend extra time around Tierra when she should have just gone home willingly. Who knows when Tierra will snap? Jackie was brave to sit and talk to Sean about Tierra so openly when we all know the one thing that girl does better than cry on cue is creep around where she isn't wanted. Sean sends Jackie home (surprise) and Tierra acts like she won the lottery. All Tierra had to do was talk about something other than the other girls.

At the cocktail party, the girls are all talking about Tierra and all her drama, essentially creating more drama. Robyn and Lesley go up and confront her, Mean Girls style, even though they're claiming they are the nice ones in this scenario. Weird. I'm fully confident that Tierra will mess up her chances on her own, so there's no need to make more drama. Oh yes there is. This is The Bachelor.

Robyn goes home. No one is surprised. There was absolutely no chemistry there.

On Tuesday's episode, they're still in the Great White North or somewhere with a lot of snow. Sean takes Catherine on a 1 on 1 to frolic on a glacier. I know post-production made it look all sweet and cute, but I know their noses were running like faucets and they were shivering. No one plays in snow for that long. They have great chemistry, in my opinion, and I really like her for the most part. I'm saying final four at least.

On the group date, Sean pressures the girls into jumping into freezing water. Apparently people do this "Polar Bear Plunge" on purpose on the reg, but I would have to agree with Selma that it's a terrible idea. I would have a cold by the end of the night. Tierra had to use another opportunity to be crazy and pretended to have some kind of hypothermia that is magically cured by nomming on a hamburger in your robe. She seemed perfectly fine after that. But really, that's twice that we know of the girl has needed a doctor during the month she has been there. Let's compare that to the other girls. I hope you're watching this closely, Sean, and you might want to upgrade your insurance to be able to cover all her nonsense. I could type out everything I was screaming at the television, but the bottom line is Sean needs to be smart enough to see past all this drama. If not, he deserves what he gets.

Sarah gave me the heartbreak of my week. I knew she wasn't going to last, but her speech about never being good enough and never being the right choice just broke me. A lot of things on this show are fake, but everything she said was just raw honesty and I wanted to give her the ice cream I was eating. She deserved it more than I did.

Daniella left. Not shocking, although she seemed shocked. Selma was gone too since she wouldn't jump in the water. 

Tune in next week for the inevitable Tierrable drama that's bound to unfold.

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