Friday, January 25, 2013

The Art of Being Spoiled

This is sort of a ranting post, but it has to be said. 

I'm always annoyed when I get on Twitter to find an upset tweeter who has had a television show or book or sporting event or the like spoiled by another tweeter.

For those of you who don't know, I watch a really insane amount of television. Yet, I hardly ever get spoiled. This becomes most difficult on Thursday nights when I have like 7 shows that all come on within the three hours of primetime. So inevitably, some people that I know are going to watch the shows before I do and know what happens. I didn't realize this was such an incredible feat until I came to know yelling tweets like "STOP SPOILING *SPECIFIC SHOW*!!!" 

Let me introduce you to a little thing my family calls, "Media Blackout." It originated in the world of golf, because we would always have to go to church on Sunday night at the same time the tournaments would be ending. So, we don't get on any social networking and even turn our phones off completely if we think there's a reason we're going to get spoiled. In cases like these, not even the news is safe. No television, no social interaction, no nothing. We have never been spoiled.

I truly love all 7 shows I watch on Thursday nights, but I don't have the time to sit and watch all of that at once. The solution is to stay off social networking. I've actually become a pro at skimming Twitter if I absolutely have to check it, and I skip over anything on my timeline that might be a spoiler. Maybe that takes talent, I'm not sure. In my opinion, if you truly love a show and want to watch it organically, you'll sit down and watch the show when it comes on. However, even I have things that have to come before television, so I understand the necessity of watching a show days later. But if you don't care enough to stay off social networking for that one hour, you don't care if you get spoiled. It's on you.

Also, if you don't like what someone is tweeting, unfollow them. I'm going to tweet about television. Rarely do I ever completely spell out the ending of a show, but if you don't want to be spoiled and absolutely must (for some reason) read my tweets, unfollow me please. For one thing, asking people not to talk about an episode after they've already done so is a waste of time. For another, it's their Twitter and they can tweet what they want to. 

Bottom line, please unfollow me if I have offended you. I will not be offended in the slightest. I was tweeting back when no one was on Twitter and will still be tweeting once my parents find out what it is and decide they want one. 

Rant over. 

Following The Following

I would follow Kevin Williamson to the ends of the Earth at this point, so it's really no surprise that I'm watching The Following. For those who haven't seen it, it's about a Poe-obsessed serial killer finally put in jail by Kevin Bacon, only to escape years later. While in jail, this serial killer gained a cult-like following. This is the most intriguing part of the plot, in my opinion, because ANYONE could be one of his followers. You have no idea who you can trust. The premise is great, in my opinion, but I feel like network television can do all sorts of damage to a brilliant idea. 

The pilot was SO gruesome. I loved it. I hate watching shows about supposed killers that shoot their victims once in the head and are done with it. It's not realistic. Psychopaths have the reputation they have for a reason. I'm so glad Fox got over the fear and just put it all out there. (I'm trying not to spoil it, in case you haven't seen it.)

One thing I hated and I'm hoping won't continue, was the dumbing down of the plot. I'm hoping they were just trying to draw in a big audience for the pilot, because I cannot sit through a Blue's Clues explanation of a serial killer. For instance, there were around four different ways to figure out where the serial killer was hiding once he escaped, yet they still felt the need to practically pause the show and tell the audience directly. I understand the types of people watching network television and that maybe this is necessary, but it makes me miss Homeland. This premise is so great and can go so many places, but please for the love of Kevin Williamson, do not let the stupid people ruin this! I'm not asking everyone to be well-versed in Poe, but when they've directly said the killer is obsessed with Poe then "Nevermore" is painted on a wall in blood (ridic), I do not need one of the detectives to take more than two seconds to realize what it means and then say it out loud. You should just know that. For someone obsessed with Poe, it's almost unrealistic that the most commonly quoted Poe word winds up on the wall. I know this was the pilot and I'm trying my hardest to cut it some slack. 

Side note: I have been waiting for this show since last summer and I knew who was going to be in it, but when I saw Maggie Grace's name on the bottom of the screen I can't even tell you the expletives that came out. This girl CANNOT stay out of trouble. If you see she's going to be in a movie, trust she's going to be in some sort of danger. If I ever see her on the street, I'm high-tailing it in the other direction. 

Thoughts on the Bachelor- Clumsy Tierra

I could write a reaction to all of the women left, but I really don't think that's necessary. 

Kacie B. went home :( Really though, it's her own fault. Sean gave her a chance, but she blew it. It was a case of classic overanalyzing, which I completely understand. At the same time, being a Bachelor fan, she should have known what was going to happen. Does Sean strike you as a drama queen? You're looking for Jake Pavelka. He would have been interested, but wouldn't have listened and probably would have sent you home too. I don't think being on the Bachelor can really hurt you in the long run, so I'm sure she's enjoying her fame at home. 

My biggest concern of the night are the dresses. Did everyone just bring a suitcase full of minidresses? Why wear a dress that short when you have no idea what the date is going to be. I definitely saw AshLee's underwear and Lesley butt cheek. I'm not asking for floor length, but I don't think mid-thigh is too much to ask for when you're on television and your parents are watching. Also, most of the dresses at the rose ceremony were hideous. What is going on?

My favorite part of the night was the Six Flags date with the two young girls. I wish I had the resources or fame to affect people in that way, so it makes me genuinely happy to see ABC take this opportunity. Maybe they couldn't provide a cure, but they gave them a day to ignore their medical problems and enjoy their time with the Bachelor. If I were the Bachelorette, I would want every date to be like that. I think people should use their 15 minutes of fame to have a positive impact. 

My favorite is still Lesley. Amanda is the worst. I'm the one hiding in the shadows that pushed Tierra down the stairs. AshLee is cute, sure, but she is a deer in the headlights. If I were abused as a child, that's not something I would be shouting out to someone I have known for two weeks. I feel like she was using it as a gimmick. Maybe that's not for me to judge since I'm not in the situation, but I wouldn't want someone to take me on dates because they feel sorry for me. That's not going to get you the final rose. 

All the people crying as they left made me want to punch a baby. YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. Stop crying! He's not the last single guy on Earth! Your life is not over unless the limo drives off a cliff on the way to the airport. Plus, you had a 1/26 chance. It's not like he was choosing between two. Do the math and get it together. 

Monday, January 21, 2013


I have spent my entire MLKJ Day trying to be sedate and less grumpy than usual. I should have known that was going to the dogs when I started my day at Walmart, Whole Foods,  and Target. Nevertheless, I came home and sat down to watch The West Wing (which I was planning to spend most of the day doing), and everything was ruined.

I grabbed a handful of mixed nuts out of the little metal container I keep on my kitchen counter for occasions suiting a snack and threw it in my mouth as unattractively as anyone ever has and as I do at least three times a day. That's when it happened. The "deluxe" on the can was supposed to mean I was getting almonds and walnuts and whatever else, but NOT PEANUTS. Yet, somehow, I got a peanut.

I'm on day 11 of this diet without any slips or giving into my cravings, but I get halfway and a peanut slips by. I knew that taste as soon as it hit my tongue, but my brain couldn't convince my teeth to stop chewing. As someone who has eaten peanut butter everyday for at least the last six months, I knew that taste. I had missed that taste. I couldn't enjoy it. It came 10 days too early.

Instead of my calm, Sorkin-filled day, I sit here thinking about that stupid Planters peanut man mocking me. Staring at me with his stupid cane and monocle. So pretentious.

He knew what he was doing.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bachelor Reaction

I was originally doing a live blog but I got bored. So now I've decided to go person by person.

Sarah- I like her, but I don't see her with Sean. I could be wrong. She's just so soft spoken and that bothers me for some reason. I see Sean with a girl with a louder personality. I liked her shoes at their dinner after the freefall.

Kacie B- I love her. I hate they put "Ben's season" under her name, like we don't know. I'm really glad she got time with Sean to move out of the friend zone. That's such a weird situation without cameras around, so it's good they were honest with each other.

Selma- Her voice is annoying. There's just something not right about her.

Danniella- "Imma get my country on." Girl. Stop. She's so awkward when she's sober. I'm starting to think she spends the rose ceremonies taking shots.

Katie- Her hairstyle weirded me out at first, but she just referred to someone as "homegirl" so I have to give her another chance. How does her hair keep growing? It's like a chia pet on fast forward. It's good she left since she was basically chilling by herself the whole night. If you aren't making a love match, at least make a name for yourself in the Bachelor world. (See Bachelor Pad)

Tierra- She scares me like she could kill everyone. How is she 24? She looks so much older. Don't mention Emily! That's so dumb to say "I like how you were with your ex." Bush league.

Robyn- So hardcore! Her teeth are already the center of her face, so she should not have been a vampire. I applaud her for straight up asking Sean about race, but I still don't think they match. Why is the girl so forward? Also I hate that dress.

Lesley the lawyer- I like her for some reason. Okay, now I know why. She's so awkward! She seems so normal. I love that her hair is just so chill all the time and not as "perfect" as the other girls' hair. She's so confident in herself.

Amanda- Omg I think she's a real vampire. Just look how she acted at the cocktail party! She's turned off her humanity. Ripper in the house! (Sorry TVD ramble) But really, that necklace and dress are awful. She can find someone to match her in a kindergarten class in 1985. I hope she has more puffy sleeves in her suitcase.

Kristy- I can't stand her. Sorry, the modeling thing doesn't impress me. Also, she showed up for the date with pockets hanging out of the bottom of her denim shorts! Ew. Her white outfit is skanky too! The bangles have to go. Unless you're a reindeer you shouldn't be jingling.

Catherine- Her beef joke sucked. Hate her green dress. I do kind of like her, but there's just something not right.

Desiree- Her bangs are terrible. The joke on her date ended up being kind of boring because she didn't seem to be that affected by the situation. Vom alert! I think that means they have chemistry because I can't deal.

Lindsay- That dress was straight Cruella Deville. She was charming sober! Who knew?

Ashlee- Is that dress camo? Was she on any of the dates? I don't remember anything about her.

Other Leslie- What is that lace thing you have on? Girl that is downright awful. Don't dress for a wedding if you haven't been proposed to.

Taryn- Who is she again? I can't think of a thing she's said.

My main concern is the crying happening after the rose ceremony. Girls, you barely know him. This is not a place to be yourself and be honest with your feelings. You're on network television. Get your lives together! None of you are in love. He doesn't know your last names! When I eventually make my Bachelor debut, I will lay off the booze and try to have some common sense.

My favorites are Kacie and Lesley.

Everyone else can either be interesting or leave now. Two hours is so long to try and understand what some of these people are even talking about.

Getting in the swing of things.

Hello all. It's Monday! It's also Day 4 of my challenge. I've been without gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts, corn, and sugar/artificial sweetener. I would be lying to you if I acted like I wasn't dying to eat a giant candy bar or block of cheese right now, but I'm managing. The first week of cravings is supposed to be the hardest so I'm just pushing for that right now. I also found some coconut milk ice cream that helps fight my dessert and dairy cravings. It's not Baskin Robbins, but it's better than nothing! Little victories! I've been trying to find new recipes that abide by all my rules, but I haven't made anything that was just outstanding. Good thing I have 17 more days to try things!

I've been trying to get going on class again, and today was great progress. I ordered all my overpriced books, and I'm going to need them to come in soon since I waited too long to order them. I probably should have done that weeks ago. I won't bore you with what else I did.

I finally went for a run this morning and it was glorious. I hate running with a passion, but it's hard to think about yourself when you're watching the sun come up over the ocean. I'm all for religious freedom, though I'll never understand how someone can doubt the existence of a deity with sights like that. Also, can someone tell me why it's 80 degrees here? This is January. I refuse to wear shorts in January!

The Golden Globes were baller last night. I don't know why Tina Fey and Amy Poehler aren't hosting everything. NBC did something right! Who knew that was possible? My favorite looks were Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Hayden Panettiere, Sarah Hyland, and Michelle Dockery. Jennifer Lawrence is becoming one of my favorite people in life. She's so down to earth and hilarious. I hope she really is dating Bradley Cooper.

The Bachelor episode 2 is tonight, and I might come back here tonight to air out my opinions. The first episode was too many people for me to keep straight, but I'm sure I'll have something to say tonight! (Team Kacie!)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Time for a challenge...

Today when I got home from work I found myself watching the Rachael Ray Show, mostly because Nate Berkus was visiting. She had fitness expert JJ Virgin on to talk about her book The Virgin Diet. I don't usually buy into diets like that because I have a lot of friends and family members who have tried them all and none of them work. This diet was different though.

JJ gave the audience a quiz about food intolerance, which I assumed was like a food allergy. I'm not allergic to anything so I wasn't paying much attention. Then she went on to talk about things like sinusitis, fatigue, and acne as signs of intolerance. One thing that caught my attention was JJ giving her own personal experience. She put milk in her coffee every morning but started this diet and cut out her milk intake. She had struggled with acne for 30 years and could never get it under control, but just cutting this milk out of her diet wiped it out. Okay, I'm willing to hear more about it. 

I got the book and read it. I start tomorrow.

The gist of the diet is to cut out gluten, dairy, eggs, peanuts, soy, and sugar for 3 weeks then enter them back in your diet one at a time to figure out which ones are affecting you negatively. A lot of people know some of the health problems I've dealt with for awhile that medicine can't seem to touch, so I'm really hoping this can help give me answers. Most people use this diet to lose weight, but I just want to feel better and healthy. 

Before I start: 
I'm not at all looking forward to cutting out dairy. I realized today how much dairy I actually eat, and it's kind of a lot. 
The first three days of cravings are supposed to be the worst, so I'm a little nervous. 
If I don't feel lightyears better after 21 days, I'm going to be pissed I cut out chocolate. 
I'm about to throw the Dove chocolate I just bought in the trash, because I don't trust myself.  
I'm also hesitant to tell people I'm doing this because they will judge me. No one reads this blog, so I shouldn't have to deal with any nagging. 

I'll keep you posted on how it goes! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello all.

Sorry for the time lapse, but I was pretty much bedridden with the flu between Thanksgiving and New Years. I seriously had the flu then a sinus infection then the flu AGAIN. It was horrible, but I think I have it under control now.

Saying I watch a lot of television would be an understatement, and sometimes I watch shows I don't really advertise to the general public. I guess I would call them my guilty pleasures although I don't necessarily feel that guilty for watching them. You guys can all come over and watch OWN and Bravo with me anytime you want.

At sometime during my sickness, I watched The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet, which I have actually grown to love. She has conversations with women in the spotlight and gets into subjects that aren't really discussed on other shows. It's really laid back and actually makes you think about your own life.

One of the questions she asked Diane von Furstenberg was about how she maintains a friendship with herself. At first I rolled my eyes because that is my usual response to almost anything. Then, I actually started thinking about my own life. I spend the majority of my time by myself since I've moved, which I don't really mind since I can be more productive and spend less money going out. My favorite activities can all be done alone so it's fine. So really, my friendship with myself has become even more important than it already should be.

So my New Year's Resolution is to work on that relationship. I don't think I have a bad relationship with myself, but I don't always like the choices I make. Looking back on 2012, I realize I have let people steer me in directions I don't necessarily need or even want to go in. I don't want to go back and change anything, but I can prevent future mess ups by just being honest with myself and embracing what I want and who I am instead of trying to be or please someone else. Also, spending the last 6 months alone, there were times I let myself get complacent and didn't challenge myself to be better.

This may sound silly or confusing to other people, but I know it's something I need to do. This blog is going to be part of my resolution because I need a way to hold myself accountable. This is a public site, which is a little intimidating but go big or go home.

Roll Tide.