Friday, January 25, 2013

Thoughts on the Bachelor- Clumsy Tierra

I could write a reaction to all of the women left, but I really don't think that's necessary. 

Kacie B. went home :( Really though, it's her own fault. Sean gave her a chance, but she blew it. It was a case of classic overanalyzing, which I completely understand. At the same time, being a Bachelor fan, she should have known what was going to happen. Does Sean strike you as a drama queen? You're looking for Jake Pavelka. He would have been interested, but wouldn't have listened and probably would have sent you home too. I don't think being on the Bachelor can really hurt you in the long run, so I'm sure she's enjoying her fame at home. 

My biggest concern of the night are the dresses. Did everyone just bring a suitcase full of minidresses? Why wear a dress that short when you have no idea what the date is going to be. I definitely saw AshLee's underwear and Lesley butt cheek. I'm not asking for floor length, but I don't think mid-thigh is too much to ask for when you're on television and your parents are watching. Also, most of the dresses at the rose ceremony were hideous. What is going on?

My favorite part of the night was the Six Flags date with the two young girls. I wish I had the resources or fame to affect people in that way, so it makes me genuinely happy to see ABC take this opportunity. Maybe they couldn't provide a cure, but they gave them a day to ignore their medical problems and enjoy their time with the Bachelor. If I were the Bachelorette, I would want every date to be like that. I think people should use their 15 minutes of fame to have a positive impact. 

My favorite is still Lesley. Amanda is the worst. I'm the one hiding in the shadows that pushed Tierra down the stairs. AshLee is cute, sure, but she is a deer in the headlights. If I were abused as a child, that's not something I would be shouting out to someone I have known for two weeks. I feel like she was using it as a gimmick. Maybe that's not for me to judge since I'm not in the situation, but I wouldn't want someone to take me on dates because they feel sorry for me. That's not going to get you the final rose. 

All the people crying as they left made me want to punch a baby. YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. Stop crying! He's not the last single guy on Earth! Your life is not over unless the limo drives off a cliff on the way to the airport. Plus, you had a 1/26 chance. It's not like he was choosing between two. Do the math and get it together. 

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