Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello all.

Sorry for the time lapse, but I was pretty much bedridden with the flu between Thanksgiving and New Years. I seriously had the flu then a sinus infection then the flu AGAIN. It was horrible, but I think I have it under control now.

Saying I watch a lot of television would be an understatement, and sometimes I watch shows I don't really advertise to the general public. I guess I would call them my guilty pleasures although I don't necessarily feel that guilty for watching them. You guys can all come over and watch OWN and Bravo with me anytime you want.

At sometime during my sickness, I watched The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet, which I have actually grown to love. She has conversations with women in the spotlight and gets into subjects that aren't really discussed on other shows. It's really laid back and actually makes you think about your own life.

One of the questions she asked Diane von Furstenberg was about how she maintains a friendship with herself. At first I rolled my eyes because that is my usual response to almost anything. Then, I actually started thinking about my own life. I spend the majority of my time by myself since I've moved, which I don't really mind since I can be more productive and spend less money going out. My favorite activities can all be done alone so it's fine. So really, my friendship with myself has become even more important than it already should be.

So my New Year's Resolution is to work on that relationship. I don't think I have a bad relationship with myself, but I don't always like the choices I make. Looking back on 2012, I realize I have let people steer me in directions I don't necessarily need or even want to go in. I don't want to go back and change anything, but I can prevent future mess ups by just being honest with myself and embracing what I want and who I am instead of trying to be or please someone else. Also, spending the last 6 months alone, there were times I let myself get complacent and didn't challenge myself to be better.

This may sound silly or confusing to other people, but I know it's something I need to do. This blog is going to be part of my resolution because I need a way to hold myself accountable. This is a public site, which is a little intimidating but go big or go home.

Roll Tide.

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