Thursday, January 10, 2013

Time for a challenge...

Today when I got home from work I found myself watching the Rachael Ray Show, mostly because Nate Berkus was visiting. She had fitness expert JJ Virgin on to talk about her book The Virgin Diet. I don't usually buy into diets like that because I have a lot of friends and family members who have tried them all and none of them work. This diet was different though.

JJ gave the audience a quiz about food intolerance, which I assumed was like a food allergy. I'm not allergic to anything so I wasn't paying much attention. Then she went on to talk about things like sinusitis, fatigue, and acne as signs of intolerance. One thing that caught my attention was JJ giving her own personal experience. She put milk in her coffee every morning but started this diet and cut out her milk intake. She had struggled with acne for 30 years and could never get it under control, but just cutting this milk out of her diet wiped it out. Okay, I'm willing to hear more about it. 

I got the book and read it. I start tomorrow.

The gist of the diet is to cut out gluten, dairy, eggs, peanuts, soy, and sugar for 3 weeks then enter them back in your diet one at a time to figure out which ones are affecting you negatively. A lot of people know some of the health problems I've dealt with for awhile that medicine can't seem to touch, so I'm really hoping this can help give me answers. Most people use this diet to lose weight, but I just want to feel better and healthy. 

Before I start: 
I'm not at all looking forward to cutting out dairy. I realized today how much dairy I actually eat, and it's kind of a lot. 
The first three days of cravings are supposed to be the worst, so I'm a little nervous. 
If I don't feel lightyears better after 21 days, I'm going to be pissed I cut out chocolate. 
I'm about to throw the Dove chocolate I just bought in the trash, because I don't trust myself.  
I'm also hesitant to tell people I'm doing this because they will judge me. No one reads this blog, so I shouldn't have to deal with any nagging. 

I'll keep you posted on how it goes! 

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