Monday, September 12, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 1

Hello loyal followers! Hello to those who got here through some other means and are now disappointed! I will try to keep you entertained. A few people I follow have been doing the 10 Day Challenge, so I've decided to try it for myself. I can't promise any interesting information, but I'll be honest. The first day is a challenge to me already because I'm notorious for living life as an open book complete with question and answer sessions. We'll see if I can come up with at least a few things some of you didn't know. 

Day 1- Ten Secrets 
1. I'm addicted to caffeine. It would seriously be cheaper for me to have an IV set up with the ridiculous amounts of coffee and Dr. Pepper I consume. I try to be smart about it, but a stressful day throws my control out the window. 

2.Vegetables are my favorite. I could (and usually do) eat a salad everyday. I love them. I think I was a rabbit in another life. Most people think I'm on a diet when they see me eat, but I'm not. I think I could live life as a vegetarian if I wanted to, unless I go back to New Zealand. Then all bets are off.  

3. I always carry a book with me. Kitty Kindle has made this easier for me, so usually I have her AND a book. You never know when you're going to have a spare five minutes to read. I'm the nerd in the back of the classroom reading until class starts. I also listen to Kitty as I walk from class to class. Go ahead, make fun. It's cool.

4. My cell phone and I are mortal enemies. It never does anything I want it to do, and I'm assuming the feeling is mutual. Maybe if I ever had a cell phone that worked I would be friends with it. There's always hope for when I get a new one at the end of the year. I would really like to beat this one with a hammer before it goes back to Verizon. It's currently sitting next to me, judging me for writing this. 

5. If you ever see me wearing high heels, it's because I think I should. Being tall has its advantages, but I hang out with a lot of shorties (no offense Megan :) ). It makes me self conscious to be way taller than everyone else, and I end up slouching without thinking about it. Who looks good slouching? No one. When I'm with my family it's okay, though, because I'm the shorty. I love flats and sandals anyway, so it all works out in the end.

6. I love my job. I may complain a lot about the time I spend there and the drama that comes with the territory, but I really do like it. I've made so many friends sitting at the desk, and I wouldn't trade them for more free time. (I'm even shocked about this secret.)

7. I'm one of the biggest creepers you'll ever meet. Real talk. I stalk everyone on social networking and in real life, and I'm unashamed. Let me follow you on Twitter or friend you on Facebook and I'll start paying way too much attention to your life. It also really upsets me if you take too long to accept my requests to stalk you. You've been warned. (But then again, you're reading my blog so who's the stalker now?)

8. I live life through television. The people onscreen are my best friends. I like some of them better than some of my real life friends. I'm not joking. I learn about life and current events and we laugh and cry together while I sit on my couch at home. 

9. I have social difficulties, to say the least. I don't really know how to behave in social situations. I think this stems from my TV addiction. I tend to speak in TV references, so normal people don't know how to respond. This is completely normal, so I try to keep my mouth shut. I have no game, but I'm trying to learn from the Men of Bryant. Foolproof plan, I know. 

10. My life is a reality show. Like for real. I am convinced that MTV or some other network is filming me. There's no other reason for the things that happen to me. I fully intend on writing it all down so everyone can understand my craziness, but I know no one would believe it was non-fiction. If there are cameras watching me, someone please let me know. I'm like the guy on The Truman Show. I legit have no idea. I'm glad you're all getting to watch my misfortune though. I hope you're laughing.

Well this took forever, but I hope it was interesting to read. If not, I apologize. There are 9 days left in this challenge so just disregard the other 9 if you feel that way. 

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