Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 3

My fears were super easy to think of! Being neurotic has its advantages.

1. Heights. I can't even deal with heights through a television screen. I go into extreme panic mode. I don't do ladders. Stairs even freak me out. I can't even talk about it right now. 

2. Snakes. I legitimately have nightmares about them. I will never ever touch one. I don't want to be in the same room as one. Call me stupid, but I have seen Jurassic Park! It doesn't matter how "tame" you think animals are! They love surprises. For another example, see Harry Potter.

3. The dark. I just can't deal. Insert panic attack. 

4. Enclosed spaces. This one is minor compared to heights and snakes, but I still get freaked out. I always have this vision of running out of oxygen, for whatever reason. I assume it's due to my asthma. 

5. Killers. I'm using this as a catch-all category to include people who are watching me, people who are going to jump out and scare me, people who wish me bodily harm, and people who will actually kill me. I'm the freak who tries to pinpoint who in the room is most likely to fit into this category. Chances are if we're on a bus or in an auditorium or anywhere there are a lot of people that can follow you home, I have already worked out a plan to get out of there quickly and I have memorized my "suspects". Imagine me in an airport. 

6. Slow Dancing. No I'm not joking. I am perfectly fine making myself look like an idiot attempting to "fast dance" (as Kathy calls it). I can't deal with slowing things down. I have no grace and no idea what it's supposed to look like, and I'm super close to another person, so I go into a panic. I never know what to do with my hands. I'm sure I'll crush my partner's feet. What if I smell bad? See this could go wrong in so many ways!

7. People infringing on my personal space. Ok, this will cause me to for sure panic in public for no reason. If someone comes in for a hug or to tell me something or to do anything that would cause them to get closer to me and I don't see them coming, my brain automatically categorizes them as a Killer. Real talk. I don't do close talkers. I don't do physical contact. I think everyone sharing germs is disgusting. Germs will jump on you anyway, so there's no reason to give them any help. Touching, in general, just makes me uncomfortable. If you do it without me being prepared, I may kick you. 

8. Any type of bad weather. I think everyone knows about April 27. 

I know what you're thinking, and yes, this is all true. 

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