Thursday, September 29, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 10

   Day 10! I looked for all sorts of pictures that described me, but it was really difficult. I think I can speak for most people when I say I hate pretty much every picture of myself. After some deliberation, I chose this one:

When my nana saw this picture she told me to take it down because devil worshipers would see it and come after me. Be that as it may, this picture shows my personality and my general opinion of all things in life. I try not to take anything too seriously, for the most part. I like to act goofy and joke around most of the time. When serious things happen, I always make an awkward joke to try and lighten the mood. This comes off as insensitive usually, but I just don't do well with serious things. I don't participate in any type of yucky love stuff, so don't expect me to. I will listen though if people feel like they need to talk. I just like to have fun!

Background on this picture: I was on Bourbon Street and saw this skeleton head (it's not a skull it has eyes)  and loved it because I know I have humongous eyes and he did too. Soulmates! I had to have my picture taken. I try not to make this face in normal life because I see how scary it looks. 

This challenge was really fun and I hope it let some of you into the scary place I call my brain. Please leave now because the challenge is over. Exits are through the ears. Thanks. 

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