Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 8

It's hard to pinpoint my favorite movies, but here are three films I love to watch over and over again:

1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. All of them. I was going to just say the Fellowship because of the scenes where Strider (Aragorn) throws his hood back to reveal that beautiful face and Arwen's "If you want him, come and claim him", but everyone knows the best fight scenes are in the other two movies. Legolas sliding down the stairs, Eowyn killing the Witch-King ("I am no man"), and "For Frodo!" are all too great to leave out. I could watch these movies all the time. I know they're long and full of blood and guts, but I love them! If ever good triumphed over evil, it was during these movies. They are emotionally heavy, but nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing Aragorn son of Arathorn regain his throne. (I NEED the trilogy on blu-ray if anyone feels like dropping a Benjamin on my Christmas/Birthday gift.)

2. My Best Friend's Wedding. I still have this movie on VHS and watch it every time it's on television. I know pretty much every line. I even use the lines in everyday life. Sometimes you need to be put into perspective, and George's speech to Julianne about her chase is completely relevant in most situations. It also teaches you to never put things in writing because someone will always find it and read it and ruin everything. The song in the restaurant is pretty legit as well.

3. Juno. I was that girl who went around saying "Whoa dream big!" all the time after I saw it. I'm a little obsessed with it, which stems from watching it like 50 times. I love it. I couldn't pick a better cast. (Jason Bateman and Michael Cera together again!) Ellen Page is hilarious and is now one of my favorite actresses. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is at the very beginning when she buys a pregnancy test from Rainn Wilson and he keeps shaking it like a Polaroid to try and make it change to negative. ("That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. That's one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet.") Love it.

Who's up for a movie night?

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