Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 2

Nine Loves! 

Here are some of my loves, in no particular order. 

1. That moment in the middle of reading a book when I know I'm sucked in. I have never discussed this with anyone, so maybe I'm the only one who has this feeling. Sometimes when I'm reading I have to pause for a second to squeal and let out my excitement. When I was reading The Twilight Saga I had SOOOO many of these moments. I would close the book for a ten second pause just before something big happened to take in the feeling of joy and excitement, then keep reading. (#nerdalert)

2. Disney World. I am 22 years old and still beg my parents to take me to Disney. When I found out they had the new app I begged for like 20 solid minutes before my dad practically yelled at me to shut up. There's just something about the magic that you find when you walk in the park. You can almost reach out and touch it. It's like electricity in the air. I'm one of those freaks that plan out everything we have to do while we're there, and we spend a lot of time running to make sure we make the most of our time. It's not really a vacation, it's an adventure!

3. John Krasinski. You guys already know this. I guess if you need elaboration, just watch his movies and television show. He's my favorite kind of funny. He's attractive. He's tall. He's a snappy dresser. He's an all-around nice guy. What more do you need?

4. Cupcakes. We're in a serious relationship. 

5. Dr. Pepper. It's 23 flavors of delicious. 

6. Kitty Kindle. She meets all my needs and cheers me up when I need it. I also love it that I can use headphones and let her read to me. I do enjoy the male voice better, though, so I guess she has an extraordinarily deep voice. 

7. Everything Alabama. Our football team, our campus, the students, etc. I love it all. My life took a turn for the better on the day I got my scholarship letter for UA. A lot of big changes have happened since then, but I don't regret any of it. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't accept that offer. My friends here have become like family to me, and I don't know what I would do without them. I feel bad that some people don't have the chance to go for their dreams, because mine has turned out better than I imagined. 

8. The Office. I watch at least one episode every day. I almost can't sleep without it. The writing is brilliant, especially in the first few seasons. Every time I watch I'm just amazed that someone thought of the dialogue and storyline. I could never be that creative! I love the actors too. They seem so normal. It's easy to love/hate them because they aren't flat characters. This is difficult to do with such a big cast, but they do it. It's about the best thing NBC's done right since Seinfeld (don't get me started). And of course I get to see John Krasinski. 

9. Bubble baths. I use them as my relaxation and quiet time. It's nice to block the world out sometimes, especially when you feel like it's screaming at you. I can clear my head and just be at peace. 

My readers should be number 10 :) Love you guys!

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