Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 4

Seven Wants! First of all, let me say that "want" is a very broad category. I'm going to try not to be a complete loser and tell you my seven material wants for right this second (to leave this desk for a nap would be numero uno). Here is my try at digging deeper:

1. World Peace. I probably could have phrased it better so you didn't laugh out loud right away. I just think people need to get themselves together. The worst kind of attack are those done by people you know/trust against your personal self. If I can manage to be civil to these certain people without blowing their heads off, I think we should be able to do the same thing with those people who don't even know us and are just fighting the idea of America. I come from a military family, so it would be nice to keep my loved ones at home. Maybe I'm selfish and naive, but this is my blog, get over it. 

2. Words written in the sky from God. I'm a firm believer in signs and messages sent from God. There's always that moment when you just know something is right or not right, and God usually has to hit me over the head to signify that moment. I'm also that idiot that tries to make everything into a sign, so it would be nice to be sure. I have no idea where I'll be this time next year and could really use a small push in one direction to understand where I go from here. (Naive again, I know)

3. To fall into a large sum of money. Face first would be a cool story to tell, so that would work. Student loans are the best and worst things ever. They give you the money you "need" to go to school while kicking your credit in the teeth at the same time. So thanks? I think.. 

4. To be published. That might require me actually having the time to write something, so we'll see how that plays out. I'm also hesitant to offend people in print, but sooner or later it's going to happen. If I get sued, I have a lawyer on retainer. 

5. For my family and friends to get what they deserve. This sounds Godfather-ish, but I mean it in a good way. A lot of people I know have been dealt some rough hands but stay upbeat and positive about all of it. They still reach out to help others and are always there to help me. I have friends that could really use that message in the sky as well. For all the adults that try to compliment me, having the world at your fingertips is really scary, so stop saying that. 

6. Our 14th National Championship.

7. To meet John K. Obviously. 

Honorable mentions: to get my degree, to have my stalking finally pay off in some way, to meet Tina Fey, to have all my belongings under one roof, to do something that matters, to live to see equality for all, to meet someone who finds my quirks endearing instead of frightening, to not get arrested when I finally meet John K, to finish A Song of Ice and Fire, to not have to wait anymore for Breaking Dawn, and to go back to New Zealand. 

It was really hard to put this one into writing, because I like to keep my dreams, desires, and emotions in general locked up in a box so no one can touch them. This one probably wasn't as interesting as my other ones, but get over it. Tomorrow's another day. 

1 comment:

MeGaN B said...

I personally agree with the whole idea of the "message in the sky" concept. Which you are already aware of! Haha I am also beyond READY for Breaking Dawn, and there is a very real chance I will wind up in prison sometime before the end of 2011 for attempting to pull Luke Bryan from the stage at one of the concerts I am going to attend. When this happens(not if, but WHEN), please be aware that I will pay you back for bailing me out!