Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is boredom deadly?

MTV really took a stand against my academic career with this Laguna Beach marathon they show every morning. Instead of writing my composition, I'm writing this and watching Laguna. LM and I are analyzing every episode. I would like to cut out every scene with Jessica because she is so damn annoying. Jen Bunney too! We were so naive when we were younger because we didn't realize how much they partied. They are clearly drinking in every episode.

I chatted with Kelsey earlier this morning and she is bossing at her job right now. She got two separate emails from one of the anchors (that has been really mean to her in the past) thanking her for her hard work. The anchor CC'd Kelsey's bosses too. She is such a pro.

One person I have NOT talked to is Candice! I'm sure she's having a blast with all her sausages and German boos but I want to hear about it! LM and I are stuck here in reality and need some stories.

For the past two nights I have watched television with my parents. They let me watch Juno last night, which I appreciated. That was the highlight of my night-- watching a movie on Oxygen that I already own and have seen like twenty times. The big story around here is whatever is destroying our garden outside. Something is laying on top of the plants and eating the corn that's like 4 feet off the ground. I'm hoping it's the bear we keep hearing about on the news. This is my life. I can't wait for our August roadtrip!!

Michael Cera is so cute. 
I wish I was half as hilarious as Juno.

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