Thursday, June 14, 2012

See I've been waiting allll dayyyy

I have had this song in my head all day so I wanted to share it with you guys. And listen to it again of course.

Linda wasn't playing any games with that Spanish test today. The vocab section should have been the easiest part, but we had to put the words in fill-in-the-blank sentences. It looked really simple until I realized I didn't know half of the other words in the sentences. That should be entertaining for her to grade. I just got the heck out of there ASAP.

Work was super boring because I've already made contact with everyone on my list so I'm done with all that nonsense for the next few days at least. I have noticed that I am learning a lot at my job though. For one thing, there is only one saleswoman, so I'm spending a lot of time around men. Between that and Bryant I should be a translator for both sexes at this point. I'm also learning about tools and cars and other information I hope I never need. Did you know Tacomas come standard with backup cameras? Toyota doesn't get to pick their own inventories. It's just randomly distributed. Toyota dealerships in Alabama sell more red cars than anywhere else in the Southeast (RTR) and we have to trade some with Georgia dealers every month to please our customers. Yeah, I told you you didn't want to know. Maybe one day someone will be impressed with my knowledge. OMG last night someone threw that Quikrete concrete mix stuff all over a brand new Mustang at Ford (where my Dad works). Since they don't have cameras the store has to pay for the damage. Let's be real, I would have taken that Mustang with the damage.

My sister is coming home tomorrow!! I'm excited to hear more about her life since I spend most of mine in boredom. Speaking of, I died of boredom today on Twitter and no one tried to resuscitate me so I'm mad at all of my followers. Candice and Lauren get a pass because I died in our group text first and they saved me. Anyways, I have to clean our room so it doesn't look like I just spend all day changing outfits. Although I practically do because you can't just wear business clothes to GSCC. They would think I was the dean.

Ok I've watched this video like 5 times since yesterday. It's Biebs at Wembley. He's on the Today Show tomorrow! Shoutout to John for tweeting it to me although I don't think he knows this blog exists. I just tried to spell exists like egsists or something so it's time for bed. Adios.

Update: Someone take me to Harry Potter World. I just saw a commercial while I was spellchecking.

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