Monday, June 25, 2012

"You know what, I would save the receptionist. Just wanted to clear that up."

I'm watching Booze Cruise for probably the 10th time. I'm reminiscing about wanting to slap Pam. Roy over Jim? Are you insane? Michael gave Jim the best advice ever. People don't realize it's a motivational show. 

Spanish class is being a real pain in the rear lately. Crazy Linda couldn't be in class today so she sent her parseltongue husband to teach us. He admittedly doesn't know grammar. He talked at us about culture and men beating women in Latin America for the entire class time and kept us late. We were all texting each other but no one would get up the guts to make him stop. Know-it-all was eating it up and asking stupid questions that kept going for days. Also, someone reported Crazy Linda because she's so offensive and now GSCC is calling all of us to get the story. I'm super excited for this turn of events. I love drama so much I can't stand it. I'll be 2 for 2 for my Spanish teachers getting fired if they keep this up. I'm a little nervous because I need this class to graduate.

I miss Candice already. She has been gone for a few hours now. Lauren and I are on our own for a month. We are planning to fill her inbox with nonsense so she has info to read about America.

I'm about to fall out because I'm so tired. I taught my parents how to plank earlier and they were dying. I told dad planking is perfect for him (yeah, this rocking 14 year old boy's body I stole is hereditary) because abs are our main problem area. So I show him what I mean and they think I'm just laying on the ground like a beached whale. Before long we were all planking across the living room floor. I think I've changed his entire workout plan. No one copyright planking during commercials! It's my workout plan! I plan to make money off it somehow.

I'm going to bed now after I watch The Injury. You should watch it too. I hope I dream about bacon.

Sorry it's poor quality. I don't control YouTube.

One day I'll write a coherent post. Believe it or not, I'm not even on Ambien.

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