Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Something miraculous just happened...

... a McDonalds in Calhoun county just got my order right!

Today has been insane. I was in such a good mood when I went to bed and woke up to insanity. First of all Pandora played Nickelback as my second song of the day. I should have known this day was headed for crazytown. THUMBS DOWN.

Then I get to Spanish class for our review before the test and I'm super annoyed by our Mr. Know-It-All in residence FROM THE START. Cierra su boca! Then me and this other girl in my class go to the restroom and she tells me he's not even registered in the class! So that pretty much makes me want to shank him and then I remember she curved our test based on his grade and I would've made a 100 if it wasn't for him. Operation Get Rid of the Loser starts tomorrow. Also, randomly without any hints, Linda was teaching us how to say we like things in Espanol, and she seriously asked me if I like Justin Bieber. It was weird. I kind of went a little far with my response but she said she was proud of me. I long for her approval. 

I call my realtor to try to get their nonsense under control and they have charged us $60 because they think Yappie chewed a seal off of our door. Yappie? Do physical activity? Ummm try again. They also messed up my rent for like the 5th month out of 10 that we've lived there. So I kind of lost my mind on them. When I'm mad I have to rant to calm down so I let loose on my dad when I got home for lunch. Turns out he is a terrible ranting partner. He didn't even listen to or affirm anything I said. OMG. Then, when I insisted that they should all die in a barn fire, he told me I wasn't being ladylike. I'm pretty sure my response was "You're not ladylike!" That pretty much sums up how mad I was. 

I tried to lower my blood pressure so I could go to work, but nothing was working. I tried everything normal people do like breathing deeply and putting my head between my legs, but I'm not normal. So I did what Don Draper would do and dug into the "secret" (As in my parents think it's a secret but we've been partaking for years) alcohol stash and had a drink. Sorry not sorry. It worked. 

I got to work like 10 min late and thank goodness I got to email people instead of calling today. So I emailed everyone in like an hour and a half then for the other hour and a half I pretended to work. I made a bunch of Spanish notecards that I now have to go through. Test tomorrow. My parents are home talking my ears off about VBS. 

I'll leave you with this: 

This is what we do all day.

Update: Last night I had a dream that Candice, LM and I were at a petting zoo and I tried to steal a fox. LM thinks it's a premonition. I'm hoping there's more to this story since I never got my pet wolf. I asked my dad about a dog just now and he had no response. He didn't say no...

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